The Story
User can't be blamed.
Once, I was hacking the Keeper computer on the Hack The Box platform. It was a simulated scenario, but it made me think about the risk we expose ourselves to by entrusting our secrets to third parties. First, we teach users not to write passwords on a sticky note attached to the monitor, and then we advise them to hand their passwords over to someone else. And then, when a breach happens, we prohibit using a password manager and go back to sticking a note on the monitor.
I spoke with some friends and they confirmed that their corporations banned using Password Managers. Those who still using them in their private life also expressed concerns regarding keeping all password exposed in the cloud.
Zero trust is the key
Indeed, password managers have had their share of vulnerabilities:
2015: A vulnerability in LastPass could've let attackers steal user passwords.
2016: 1Password had an exploit where passwords could be exported in plain text.
2017: Dashlane was found to have a vulnerability potentially compromising user passwords.
2018: Keeper's vulnerability could expose passwords if attackers accessed the user device.
2022 and 2023 witnessed multiple vulnerabilities in Bitwarden, LastPass, and 1Password, risking password theft.
Considering these points, we're thrilled to introduce 123Pass! A novel approach to password management. It’s fool-proof, globally accessible, and doesn’t rely on third parties. 123Pass offers full confidentiality, requiring no personal identifiable information from users.
Using our browser extension, you’re prompted for an easily memorable password. This is then transformed into a complex password for access. If you're someone who prefers using the same password for multiple sites, we incorporate entropy from the website domain for added security.
The key feature? The application doesn’t store your passwords or write them to the disk. It operates without any connection to our servers, ensuring once used, there are no traces left behind. This tool can also help retrieve passwords from other services, be it SSH access, corporate domains, or local apps.
Regardless of your chosen password's simplicity, 123Pass ensures its strength. The only key to your password is you!